Monday, July 19, 2010

Engine Start - Accelerate - Go

hai sob.. kali ini gw cuma mau share tentang 1 lagu yang menurut gw lirik dan musiknya bagus pisan, hehe, knp gw mau share something bout music? coz many people heard the music to fill his/her empty, or to change his/her emotions, or something else.. *berantakan dah* haha intinya hidup kita ini ga bakal lepas dari yang namanya MUSIC... So, Let's the sharing begin...

Kali ini gw sedang kepikiran 1 lagu, yang mempopulerkan adalah Cowo-cowo Suka Cewe-cewe *heyah!!!* tau kan sobb? ^^ yap maksudnya adalah Boys Like Girls, mereka punya album yg berjudul Love Drunk *mabok cinta, duh uda kaya lagu dangdut!* haha dari semua lagu yang ada disana, baik yang dia featuring sama si Taylor Swift semua rata2 enak, but there is one song yang make me gimanaaa gitu, *ow ow ow! hehe ^^ * judulnya "Go". Simple nya ini lagu tentang bagaimana kita harus melewati all of the obstacle meski it's not easy... ^^ biar lebih ngerti nih ane kasih liriknya gan!

Boys Like Girls - Go

Little change of the heart
Little light in the dark
Little hope that you just might find
Your way up out of here
'Cause you've been hiding for days
Wasted and wasting away
But I got a little hope today
You'll face your fears

Yeah, I know it's not easy
I know that it's hard
Follow the lights to the city

Get up and go
Take a chance and be strong
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
Don't look back; just go
Take a breath, move on
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
You could spend your whole life holding on

Believe the tunnel can end
Believe your body can mend
Yeah, I know you can make it through
'Cause I believe in you
So let's go put up a fight
Let's go make everything all right
Go on take a shot
Go give it all you got

Oh, yeah, I know it's not easy
I know that it's hard
No, it's not always pretty

Get up and go
Take a chance and be strong
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
Don't look back; just go
Take a breath, move on
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
You could spend your whole life holding on

Don't wanna wake up to the telephone ring
Are you sitting down?
I need to tell you something
Enough is enough
You can stop waiting to breathe
And don't wait up for me

Get up and go
Take a chance and be strong
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
Don't look back; just go
Take a breath, move on
Or you could spend your whole life holding on

Get up and go
Take a chance and be strong
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
Don't look back; just go
Take a breath, move on
Or you could spend your whole life holding on
You could spend your whole life holding on
Don't spend your whole life holding on

Wow!!! gmn sob liriknya? Menurut gw asik banget hehehe ^^
Disini gw merasakan bagaimana kita tetap harus maju, jangan tengok2 kebelakang, karena selalu ada little hope, little lights yang akan bring you to the top, beat all your fears, beat all your giants, hehe and apalagi kita bergerak ga sendirian, we have backingan kuat gitu, our Jesus Christ!

Sobat sekalian, dari lagu ini saya hanya mau mengingatkan bahwa selalu ada secercah harapan *ciyah!! kaya apa aja lo!* di dalam kehidupan ini, asal kita selalu mau berusaha kita pasti bisa sampai ke tujuan kita. Lalu, yang baru ditinggal kekasih juga, jangan serasa uda ambruk nih dunia *halah! haha* masih banyak ikan di laut sob! next deh saya akan bahas pentingnya menjadi single yang utuh duluan, hehe...

Akhir kata semoga lagu ini dapat membantu me rileks kan pikiran sobat sekalian *soalnya biasa gw pake buat pengantar tidur haha ;p*
Yang mau izin sedot, cari di google yah! ^^

1 comment:

  1. lagi curhat lewat lagu yah chon? *eaaahh* hahaha.. tapi emank bagus sih lagunya..

    denger lagu ini bawaannya jadi mellow2..

    ditunggu post berikutnya tuh :)
